DuinoCoin Miner using ESP32

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A few months ago, we published a tutorial on extracting a currency code called DuinoCoin. In the previous tutorial, we performed the extraction operation with the help of Arduino boards. OLED displays Walt inventory values, number of miners, and various values ​​at the same time as mining. Visit CiferTech for more tutorials, and be sure to follow my Instagram page to support me.

 DuinoCoin ᕲ

DuinoCoin is the only coin that can be mined with computers, Raspberry Pi, Arduinos, ESP boards, and many other microcontrollers. Supported by a large number of operating systems. It also has a friendly and growing community and is easy to use and exchange. This password can be mined on various systems and also supports Python and C ++ programming languages. Dinoquin has special software wallets and miners released by its developers, this currency code has been in operation since 2019. Also, the transfer and receipt process in DUCO is very easy. In DinoCoin, we first select the desired cryptocurrency pair, for example, DUCO to BYND, then fill out the exchange form.


Simply put, there is literally no other currency password that supports it. Many people have an Arduino that is just waiting for days to get used to it. Using these small devices in the world of cryptography is an interesting idea. The DUCO team wanted to create something new, innovative, and unique, and from the point of view of the community it has assembled, it seems to have made it possible to extract ultra-low-energy devices.

Items Needed

ESP boards

OLED display


Registration in the Duino-Coin network

The first thing you need to do to use Duino-Coin is to register your account on the Duco network. To do this, you can use the GUI wallet or the CLI wallet, or the web wallet to register in your browser. Everything is made in the simplest possible way, so you will have no problem registering. All you have to do is launch each of the wallets, select the registration option, and fill in the blanks with valid information. After registration, you can use all software related to Duino-Coin. In the pictures below, you can see examples of the mentioned Walt.


See the details of this section in the tutorial ” Cryptocurrency Extraction with Arduino “.



In this project, we use the esp32 board and the OLED display, then we have the pins related to the I2C protocol to communicate between the OLED display and the ESP32 board. In the ESP32 board, we will use pins D21, and D22, and in the OLED display, SCL and SDA pins. We will also use VIN or 5V pins on the ESP32 board for the power supply.


Project Codes

  • In the previous tutorial, when mining was done using Arduino, the WiFi connection and connection to the server were done with the help of your laptop or system, but in this project, it is done only using the ESP32 board. Enter, then it’s time for your DinoQueen user account, and then if you use multiple boards to extract, select a number for your board in order.
  • This is the case for your ESP32 chip version. If you have a serious problem uploading the code, comment on the first line and remove the second line from the comment.
  • If you do not need a serial connection, comment on this line, this serial connection will inform you of the status of the change with the monitor serial, usually disabling this will help speed up your processing.
Complete DuinoCoin project code using ESP32 with monitoring.


Final Result

Finally, after changing the information mentioned in the code, establishing connections, and finally uploading the code, the values ​​in the wallet, the number of miners, and the estimated amount of mines based on the number of miners and HASH RATE are displayed in the OLED display, values ​​after a short period They are updated according to the time of mining your board and changing the received information.


The last word with Cifer

This currency code is very interesting and fun for me personally, while it has a dollar value, it also allows you to extract this currency code only by using microcontrollers, the main advantage and difference of this code Currency with other examples of fog We can hear their names a lot during the day, it is environmentally friendly, as you know industrial miners are terribly consuming electricity and heat, but thanks to microcontrollers These things will not happen again.



If you encounter any problems during the setup and implementation of this project, do not hesitate to ask your question at the end of this post. I will answer your problem as soon as possible. Also, if there is a problem in the code or the execution steps, you can inform through this way.