Daeva: Your SubGHz Replay Attack Gadget for RF Hacking

What's up, guys? I'm Cifer, and welcome back to another blog post! Today, I'm excited to share my latest project with you: Daeva. Daeva is a versatile device designed to…

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wardriver3000: Build Your Own Wardriving Machine

🌟 About the Project wardriving, a practice involving the search for Wi-Fi networks while on the move. Through a customized device, we capture existing Wi-Fi networks along with their coordinates…

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ESP32-DIV: Your Swiss Army Knife for Wireless Networks

In our increasingly connected world, where Wi-Fi networks are the backbone of our digital lives, there's a growing need for tools that can help us understand, troubleshoot, and secure these…

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How to Detect Deauth attacks using ESP8266

In this tutorial, using the Wemos board, which is based on ESP8266, we are going to detect DEAUTH attacks and inform the user. We will also use a battery shield…

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